You should have received an email titled ‘New Account’, from our exam provider, TestReach regarding your upcoming exam. The email would have been sent to you from the following email address : .

Please check your junk/spam and let us know asap if you have not received it. 

As a final step and to secure your exam, you need to schedule your exam on the TestReach portal. You must schedule your exam time on the portal at least 72 hours before you are due to sit the exam.

Your exam time may differ slightly to the exam time shown on the timetable/bookings page and this is due to a method called ‘staggered timing’ which ensures a smooth onboarding journey for you as a learner. You should take your exam on the date and time that you have scheduled it to take place on the TestReach portal and not at any other time.

If you are unsure as to how you schedule your exam on the portal, please click on the video link below and have a read of the PDF attached at your convenience.

Scheduling Your Exam

Furthermore, please read the Candidate FAQ link below, which might help answer any queries you have.

Frequently Asked Questions

If you have any further questions in the meanwhile, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

The PMI is responsible for the smooth running of your exam, but there are examination procedures that need to be followed and adhered to.  If there are any issues during your exam we would always suggest you contact TestReach/Your Invigilator directly as detailed in the document provided by the following link:

Pathways Modular Exam Procedures (DipIEB)